Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Being an active branch

          Sorry for the late post.  There were a lot of things going on this weekend!  My niece (and goddaughter), Rachel, received her First Holy Communion this weekend (from me!).  Also, we announced that Fr. Mike has received a new assignment as pastor and I will become the Parish Administrator, effective July 1st.  That's big news and it wasn't really what I expected!  More on that as the weeks go on.  Finally, we had la Kermes (spring carnival) on Sunday to raise funds for the Catholic Heart Work Camp trip in June.  I've been trying to catch up ever since!

          With the announcements about the parish leadership, I find it important to re-affirm that the parish is the branch of the vine that is Jesus in each particular place.  Our parishes must be active places; places of communion that bear fruit for the building of the kingdom of God.  The more diverse the better!


Homily: 5th Sunday of Easter – Cycle B
          One of the things that has been made abundantly clear to me ever since the first day that I arrived in Logansport is that there used to be three parishes here (did you all know that?).  As I understand it, the three parishes here in the city used to be a little territorial and, at least in the early days, it was taboo for members of one parish to attend Mass at one of the other parishes.  I can imagine the scene quite vividly: a young man tries to slip in the back of the early Mass at the parish to which he doesn’t belong; he is noticed, nonetheless, and hears a few whispers and receives a few looks of suspicion from the congregants seated around him; he’s an outsider and he knows it.  Now, while I wouldn’t go so far as to say that this behavior is excusable, I will say that it is understandable.  The ethnic groups that made up each parish were trying hard to maintain their identity and so were anxious about allowing others to infiltrate and possibly dilute their heritage.
          The early Church faced similar challenges.  Today, in particular, we remember the challenge it faced in receiving Saul, also known as Paul.  When Saul left Jerusalem, he was the most fervent persecutor of the disciples of Jesus; but when he returned—having encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus and having been baptized by the disciple Ananias in Damascus—Saul was now a disciple himself.  Having heard nothing of this, the community in Jerusalem was suspicious of him.  Thankfully, the disciple Barnabas had gone to Damascus and had seen for himself how Saul had converted and how he was now proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah.  It was, therefore, on the testimony of Barnabas—a trusted member of the community—that Saul was then accepted into the community of believers.
          Nevertheless, Saul continued to encounter difficulties.  Among the Hebrew-speaking Jews, he was heard and accepted.  Among the Greek-speaking Jews, however, he was being rejected (they even attempted to kill him!).  It’s hard to say what it was that caused the Greek speaking Jews to react so negatively to Saul, but I suspect that it had something to do with the fact that, although he was a Jew, he wasn’t a Greek-speaking Jew, and so they had a hard time accepting him; and thus we see how the unifying force of Jesus was still being limited by the weaknesses of human nature.
          In the Gospel reading today, we heard Jesus declare that he is the vine and we are the branches.  This is a very rich image.  A vine, like any plant, needs both the trunk and the branches to grow and to continue living.  Each plant has only one trunk but a variety of branches and so in using this image Jesus is giving us an image of the Church.  He is the vine, the trunk which penetrates down into the soil with its roots to extract water and minerals from the ground and thus is the source of life to the branches, and we are the branches, who extend out into the world to absorb what is good in it, like leaves absorb the rays of the sun, so as to provide growth to the vine and to produce its fruit.  The great diversity in shape and size of the branches is what makes the vine strong, allowing it to endure through changing conditions so that it may continue to grow and produce fruit.
          In spite of this very organic ideal, however, we still face the same debilities of human weakness that limited the early Church.  Human nature has been redeemed, but it hasn’t changed.  In spite of all of our best efforts, we still struggle to accept varied expressions of the one faith that we received in baptism.  Sometimes this is limited by the barrier of language; other times, there are more aesthetic barriers: the music, the preaching, our particular devotions, etc.  Our human weaknesses keep us from seeing that, as branches on the vine, we are rich and healthy because of our diversity; instead, we convince ourselves that we are limited by it.
          So, how do we get past these limitations?  I suggest that we stop talking and start acting.  Two years ago, as we prepared to leave for the youth mission trip, I took note of how the Hispanic kids were all huddled together at one end of the sidewalk and the Anglo kids were huddled together on the other side.  I told them that I wasn’t going to let them be like this throughout the whole trip.  In other words, I would expect them to mix together.  Little did I know that God already had a plan.  As these kids traveled together, prayed together, worked together, and served together, the Hispanic/Anglo differences seemed to melt away.  By Thursday night (our last night at the camp) there was no way to distinguish one group from the other: they had mixed together completely.  You see, when they stopped worrying about who they were standing next to and instead focused on the acts of love that they were being given to do, they no longer paid attention to their differences and preferences; rather, they allowed those to fade into the background. 
          In the second reading today, we heard Saint John invite us to “love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.”  In other words, he is saying that our love must be expressed in works, not just words, if it is to be true.  And, from what I saw on the youth mission trip, love expressed in deeds makes us blind to our differences because we are focused instead on extending our branches and producing fruit.  Thus, if our community is struggling to be truly integrated (and I’m not saying that it is), then perhaps we need to focus more on doing the work of building God’s kingdom: that is, the work of serving the needs of our community; because it is in them that we will look past our differences; and it is in them that we will know that we belong to the truth.
          My brothers and sisters, we—the Catholic Community of Cass County—are the branch on the vine extended out into this place in order to bear fruit so that the vine will be strengthened and will continue to grow.  Fruit bearing branches are active, however, and so we cannot be idle; rather, we must engage in good deeds if we hope to produce fruit; and the abundance of diversity in our community means that the potential for a rich harvest is great.  Let us, then, boldly engage in these good works so that, rather than being cut off and thrown into the fire like the branches that produce no fruit, we might be a fruitful branch that is pruned so as to produce fruit even more abundantly: fruit by which God our heavenly Father will be truly glorified.
Given at All Saints Parish: Logansport, IN – May 3rd, 2015

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