Friday, March 13, 2020

Letter to Parishioners of Saint Mary's Cathedral

Dear Parishioners of Saint Mary’s Cathedral,

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has generated an unprecedented set of conditions that is having a dramatic impact on our lives. The staff at Saint Mary’s has been regularly evaluating the advice and directives of both public and diocesan officials and, thus, what our response should be. Our main focus has been and will continue to be the health of our parishioners and our students during these challenging times.

As a result of Governor Holcomb’s announcement from March 12 that non-essential gatherings must be limited to no more than 250 people, Bishop Doherty is dispensing from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass for the last three weekends of March (March 15, 22, and 29) for Catholics of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana. This is not a permanent dispensation.

Given this, we have decided that we will continue to follow our normal daily and weekend Mass and Reconciliation schedules (including Eucharistic Adoration). However, beginning Saturday March 14, in an effort to curb the proliferation of the Coronavirus, we have decided to cancel ALL church activities at Saint Mary’s Cathedral until further notice.

The dilemma of what we know and what we don’t know about the Coronavirus will continue to complicate our decision making. This is a humbling fact: We simply don’t know what the situation will be now or a week from now. We will continue to assess the spread of the virus and will communicate any changes as they occur.

Additional instructions/information:
  • If you are sick, have symptoms, or have a compromised immune system, please stay home from Mass.
  • Bishop Doherty will be celebrating 8:00 a.m. (Eastern) Mass at Church of the Blessed Sacrament for the next 3 Sundays (March 15, March 22, March 29) which will be livestreamed here: and would love the presence of those unable to attend their parish Mass.
  • All nursing home and home-bound visits by laity should be canceled.
  • Weddings/Funerals/Confirmations will continue as planned unless further recommendations are issued by the local health department. However, we will NOT be hosting funeral dinners during this time.
  • Families should also strive to unite as family in charitable acts for those affected by the Coronavirus and other family devotions such as the Rosary, novenas, Lectio Divina and refrain from any unnecessary work.

Again, for the time being, we will follow our normal Mass and Reconciliation schedule (including Eucharistic Adoration). Please pray for all those affected by this pandemic and for our parish.

God bless you and may Mary keep us safe,

Fr. Dominic Petan

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