Monday, May 18, 2009

The vigil of Guatemala

Well, I stand somewhat ready to begin this brief adventure to Central America. Tony and I fly out tomorrow afternoon. By all standards, I have everything prepared except one thing... I don't speak any Spanish! I know, I'm going to learn Spanish and I will learn it quickly because, well, you can't be surrounded by it without picking something up, but this is a step outside of my comfort zone - a step towards blindness, if you will. I trust, however, that God will bless this journey with many miracles if I just stay out of His way and lose just enough sight so that I can truly see. Thanks to all who are praying for us. Stay tuned...


  1. Dominic,

    Thanks for sending us the link to your new blog. We look forward to hearing about your time in Guatemala! Have fun with Spanish... there's nothing like immersion! :)

    In Christ,
    Claire for the Halbur family

  2. I think you will be just fine with Spanish!

    When you come back you and I can have whole conversations!

    God Bless you and thanks for setting up this great blog to see your progress.

    Steubenville wave! Wooooo!!

    God Bless,

  3. This is great, dp!!! thanks for keeping us updated!

  4. ok that last comment was me!
